Erin Doane, curator
other day I came across an odd item in collections storage. That in itself is
not unusual. With over 20,000 historic objects here at the
museum, I’m bound to find things I haven’t seen before. This item is a group of
50 advertising cards for The Swift Lubricator Co. of Elmira. A small picture is
glued to the back of each card with a number written in pencil above it and a
word or phrase below – Bird or Fowl, Animal, Vegetable, Flower, or Composer of
Music. The pictures themselves show a wide variety of things, from a teacher in
front of a classroom to children in a field to a goat crashing into a mug. The
whole pack of cards was a mystery and I decided to investigate.
Advertisement on one side of the card |
Game on the other side |
Swift Lubricator Co. was started by Allen W. Swift around 1885. Swift first
appears in the Elmira city directories in 1877. He is listed first as a steam
engine manufacturer and then as a lubricator manufacturer. In 1882 he was
granted a patent for a steam engine lubricator that he had invented. An October
3, 1884 Commercial World & United
States Exporter article describes how Swift’s lubricator worked. “…the
steam passes it [the lubricator] on its way to the cylinder, a small portion of
the live steam carries with it into the valve chest and through this into the
cylinder, a constant succession of drops of oil which it reduces to the condition
of vapor, so finely are its particles divided. The oil vapor enters with the
steam into every part of the valve, chest and cylinder and secures them a
perfect lubrication.” Railroads including the New York, West Shore and Buffalo
Railroad and the Chicago and Alton Railroad used these lubricators on their
locomotives. Over 200 of them were sold in June 1884.
Swift's lubricator patent |
what does all that have to do with the pile of cards I found? Not much, really.
The cards were obviously used to advertise the Swift Lubricator Co. but I think
the pictures on the back were added later and have little to nothing to do with
the company. My guess is that someone repurposed leftover cards. When the cards
were produced, the company was located on 730 W. 1st Street. Around
1900, the business moved to 729-731 W. 2nd Street. The cards with
the old address then became useless. Someone, perhaps a member of the Swift
family, perhaps not, took fifty of the cards, added pictures to the backs and
created a game. Fortunately, someone included a numbered list with the cards so
we can understand how the game was played. Each picture represents a bird, an
animal, a flower, etc. as indicated by the category written below it in pencil.
You have to guess what the picture is. For example, the picture of the teacher
at the blackboard I included above is from the vegetable category and
represents peas. Got it? Here’s some more to try with the answers at the bottom
of this post.
1: pheasant; 10: robin; 14: woodchuck; 21: tomatoes; 32: hollyhock; 40:
buttercup; 41: Schumann
These are terrific! What a find in the collection!