Erin Doane, Curator
May 1943, Edwin Morris gave the welcome address at the annual Memorial Sunday
service of Baldwin Post 6 G.A.R. (Grand Army of the Republic) at the Centenary
Methodist Church in Elmira. His wife Jane urged him to stay home instead of
participating in the event. The 96-year-old Morris has suffered a heart attack
a year earlier and had never fully recovered. In response to her concern he
said, “It’s my duty to my dead comrades to take part in the service. If it
causes my death, I will die in the line of duty.” Edwin Morris passed away less
than 36 hours later on May 24, 1943 at his home at 356 Walnut Street in Elmira.
Star-Gazette, May 24, 1943 (from |
Morris was born on January 2, 1847 in Athens Township, Pennsylvania. In
November 1863, he enlisted in the Union Army. He was 16 years old at the time
and signed up despite his father’s objects. He joined Co. D of the 179th
New York Volunteer Infantry. He fought at Petersburg and in all the Army of the
Potomac engagements including the Wilderness Campaign, Fredericksburg, Cold
Harbor, and Richmond. He was at Appomattox Courthouse when General Robert E.
Lee surrendered to General Ulysses S. Grant. He was reportedly just 20 feet
away from the pair when Lee passed his saber to Grant.
the war, Morris returned to Athens where he worked on his father’s farm for 20
years. He worked in the lumber business in Pine Creek, Pennsylvania for many
years after that. In 1902, at the age of 55, he married Jane Currier of
Waverly, New York. The two had met in 1901 at a G.A.R. encampment in East
Towanda, Pennsylvania where she was caring for wounded soldiers. They moved to
Elmira sometime in the early 1900s. Morris was one of the founding members of
the Chemung County Historical Society in 1923.
Edwin Morris (second from left) with charter members of
Chemung County Historical Society at July 4, 1923 pageant
was an active member of the G.A.R. There were several G.A.R. posts in the
county including Baldwin Post 6 which was organized on June 11, 1868 and named
after local Civil War veteran Col. Lathrop Baldwin. Other posts were named
after L. Edgar Fitch, Col. H.C. Hoffman, and Gen. A.S. Diven. Around the turn
of the century, the Baldwin post had about 200 members. Morris served as
commander of A.S. Diven Post 623 in the late 1920s. That post, as well as the
others in the county dissolved after a time until Baldwin was the only one
remaining. Morris became commander of the Baldwin Post in 1938. Upon his death
in 1943, the post dissolved. Its charter and other materials from the
organization are now in CCHS’s collection.
This G.A.R. hat worn by Edwin Morris is
one of many items that came to the Chemung
County Historical Society from his estate. |
was not only involved with the G.A.R. locally. He also held statewide offices
in the organization. In 1938 and 1939 he served as Junior Vice Department
Commander of the New York State Department G.A.R. and in 1940 he was elected
Senior Vice Department Commander. Finally, in June 1941, he was elected Commander
at the annual encampment at Lake Placid. He had been asked for several years to
be the commander of the state organization but had always declined because he
wanted others older than he to have the honor of the position before they
passed away. He was 94 when he accepted. At the next year’s encampment in
Utica, he was one of the first of nearly 1,000 guests to arrive, despite having
suffered a heart attack just two months early on Appomattox Day. At that
encampment, he was appointed Department Patriotic Instructor.
Ribbon from the 1942 G.A.R. encampment |
also participated in Elmira’s annual Memorial Day commemorations as early as
the 1920s. He and the other few remaining Civil War veterans were honored
during the events throughout the 1930s. In 1938, he served as honorary marshal of the
parade. At that time, only four veterans remained: Morris, Bowman Jack, Edgar
Houghton, and Thomas A. Dawes. When Jack passed away in 1940, Morris was left
as the last surviving veteran of the Civil War in Chemung County.
Memorial Day, 1935, from the Elmira Sunday Telegram, May 30, 1943 |
last time Morris participated in Memorial Day activities was in 1942. His
health was failing but organizers wanted to include him in the commemorations.
Col. James Riffe, a World War I veteran, suggested that the parade route be
changed that year so it would pass Morris’s Walnut Street residence. While the
Chemung County Veterans’ Council agreed to the reroute, plans were abandoned
when Morris’s health improved enough for him to ride in the parade.
Morris riding in the Elmira Memorial Day Parade |
June 17, 1943, an article reporting the passing of Edwin Morris appeared in the National Tribune: Washington, D.C.
The final paragraph of the article illustrated Morris’s devotion to his country
and fellow soldiers:
In December, 1941, when volunteers were being
registered [for service in World War II], a card bearing his name was found
among a stack of enrollments; it said, “Will gladly cooperate in advisory
capacity or shoulder a gun if necessary.”
What a story....hard to imagine a Civil War Vet still alive in the 40's....Oh what changes this man saw in his lifetime.