By Erin Doane, Curator
I enjoy irony but when I’m on the receiving end of the universe’s sense of
humor, I’m not too pleased about it. The
museum just opened up an exhibit on the Flood of ’72 a couple weeks ago and I
wrote a blog entry about how to salvage water-damaged items. So, on the morning of Monday, July 2 when I
discovered that our ac unit in collections storage had sprung a leak, I felt
like the butt of a cosmic joke. I don’t
think I would have taken it so personally except that a similar thing happened
to me at a previous job. That time I had
just completed a disaster response workshop that included salvaging items from
a kiddie pool filled with water one week before the plumbing in the men’s room
decided to leak into collections storage.
Just a coincidence? I’m beginning
to wonder.
just after 9:00 am I walked into textile store to collect the climate
information for the past month and was surprised to find puddles of water on
the floor. My first thought, of course,
was “oh expletive!” My next thought was that I’m glad that I’ve
been trained in this sort of thing and that the museum has two boxes of
supplies collected just for an emergency like this. I absolutely love it when institutions have
disaster plans in place.
quick perusal of the situation showed that this was only a minor disaster, at
worst. The part of the ac unit that was
dripping is mounted on the ceiling above a metal shelving unit containing
twenty archival boxes filled with textiles.
Fortunately, the water was coming from a part of the unit that was not
directly over the shelves so it only dripped on the floor. It did splash up, however, and the front
edges of four textile storage boxes on the bottom shelf were soggy. The unit must have dripped all weekend when
it was hot and humid.

removed the four boxes from storage and brought them into the museum’s
conference room. We are very fortunate
to have a space with four large, empty tables.
I’m not sure how I would have laid out the damp items otherwise. I laid down plastic sheeting from the
disaster supply kit and removed the clothing from the wettest of the boxes
first. The water had wicked up through
the cardboard and the tissue paper wrapped around a lovely yellow and brown
1870s dress and soaked into where the skirt was folded at the end of the
box. The water went through four layers
of fabric but the dress was not soaking wet.
A skirt, a petticoat and the shoulders of another dress from the other
three boxes were also slightly damp. I
spread them all out on the tables and brought a fan into the room to circulate
the air. By noon the items were all dry
with little sign that they had ever been wet.
The only casualties of this minor disaster were two textile storage
boxes that were soaked enough to deform the ends making them useless.

mini disaster was caused by a blockage in the drain tube for the ac unit. The blockage was removed later that day and
we haven’t had any trouble since (knock on wood!). So, I guess one lesson from this experience
is to periodically check out the ac unit to make sure everything is running as
it should. Probably the greater lesson
is that being prepared can save the day.
The Historical Society has a disaster plan in place that covers
emergencies great and small and boxes of supplies ready for when disaster
strikes. The relatively small amount of
water from a plugged ac unit was not too difficult to deal with but the
potential for other catastrophes is always there.
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