Erin Doane, Curator
of our blog posts are thoughtful, well-researched pieces that inform and
entertain while making you think about our connections to the past. This is not one of those blog posts. I think mechanical apples peelers are cool so
this post is about them and how great they are.
Just look at them!
apple peeler, 1880 |
peelers have gears, cranks, whirling metal prongs (upon which the apple is
stabbed), and sharp blades. What’s not
to like about them? They were also very
useful. During the 18th and
19th centuries, apples were an important food source. Properly processed and stored, they could
provide food all winter long. I can
imagine that peeling bushels and bushels of apples for winter storage took a
lot of time. It is no wonder that some
creative people developed mechanical peelers to do the job. Over 100 patents for apple peelers were
granted during the second half of the 19th century.
are quite a few of these peelers in the CCHS collection and I have been asked
why we keep so many. Storage space is at
a premium so we try not to keep too many duplicate objects but each of the
peelers is unique.
are several different types of mechanical peelers. Lathe
peelers were one of the earliest types developed but new versions can still be
bought today. They are probably the
simplest type of mechanical peeler. The
hand crank turns the apple against the peeling blade and the spiral shaft keeps
the apple moving forward. We even have a
homemade version in the collection.
lathe peeler, 1883 |
lathe-style apple peeler |
arc peeler apparently peels the apple along an arc and then back again.
peeler, 1863 |
far our largest collection is of turntable type apple peelers. You turn the handle and both the apple and
the turntable with the blade moves to most efficiently peel the apple. There are quite a few variations of the
turntable peeler. Some hold the apple
vertical and others horizontal. I’m not
sure if there is any huge advantage of one design over the other but obviously
the people who originally developed each new design must have thought it was
better than the last.
peeler made by H. Keyes, 1856 |
peeler made by Reading Hardware Company, 1878 |
peeler made by C.E. Hudson, 1882 |
just because, here are two mechanic cherry pitters as well.
pitter, 1867 |
cherry stoner, 1917 |
Do you suppose this article could inspire another new design?